Has your health practitioner checked these crucial areas in judging how to manage and treat your shoulder symptoms?
For ANY shoulder condition, you must assess and treat:
- the sternoclavicular joints
- the scapulothoracic articulation
- the rotator cuff (all four), S.I.T.S. (they will know)
- the coracoid muscles, forearm and humeral alignment, scapular alignment
- kypholordosis
- liver and diaphragm
- cervical spine mechanics
- sternal and thoracic mechanics
- the pelvis via latissimus dorsi
These are 9 crucial points that we assess and treat in every shoulder problem.
If your therapist/GP is:
- confused
- defensive
- surprised
Suggest they call and ask to speak to one of the osteos here.
We would invite you to bring along your doctor/trainer etc. to sit in on our consultations.
Click here to download a printable version of the checklist.